On HeyWhatUp’ you can find a person to accompany you in any activity, hobby, or interest.
Simply type the keyword in the search bar and locate them instantly 360 on any and everything you would like to do social networking , dating, jobs and much much more.
Get invited or invite someone for a drink, lunch, dinner, a sports activity, karaoke, biking, hiking, video games, travel companions, foodie or expat meetups, roommates, you name it.
Simply type the keyword into the search bar and once your mutual interest is found send a friend request, get acquainted, and invite.
In the process upload photos and videos that reflect you, your activities, hobbies and interests.
Hey! WhatUp’ is the friend-finder activity search engine platform for locating friends, roommates, new activity partners, relationships, dating, jobs and business networking.
You can business network with members from all over the world and target clients by using keywords associated with your business or talent.
Use your search bar to locate and employ nearby services and businesses people search for in all walks of life, and in the process meet new friends.
If you are familiar with Facebook navigation there is no example.
You are here to locate new friends, discover networking options based on any and everything you want to do, and find who will join you nearby or globaly.
Hey! WhatUp’ is also a video-sharing platform where you can like, comment and share your favorite reaction videos.
We offer a video-sharing search engine for activity partners, friends, content creators, podcasts and dating based on a shared interest in them.
Using your search bar instantly upload any YouTube video that reflects your activities, hobbies, or interests.
Search YouTube videos from local users and subscribe to their YouTube channels.
Find a friend for every occasion.
Send messages, video chat, follow, comment, and invite.
Be specific when editing your profile keywords.
If you are interested in business networking get a Friends & Networking account to network with members from all over the world and target clients by using keywords associated with your business or talent. Once accepted introduce yourself, you may also link users to your other social networking platforms by adding a subscribe button that allows users to visit your external site where new followers are important. Learn Moore..
If you are a Local Business you may promote your Business Brand within your 75-mile radius) Learn More..
If you are a Global Business Brand promote your business with a Global Business Premium account and advertise your merchandise globally with unlimited ad boost and targeting options. Learn More..
Build your social and business networks be specific when editing your profile keywords.
Hey! WhatUp’
The friend-finder activity platform for finding friends, companions, business networks, and dates.
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