Get your Local Business Brand Advertisement account by reaching a local audience of up to 75 miles from your location anytime you post your photo and its content.
Each photo that you post will become an advertisement. Simply add your photo and its content and upload.
Every photo you upload will become your advertisement giving your ad unlimited boost to all users within your 75-mile region.
Start with a local business brand basic account and receive 3 months of free advertisements, after the first 3 months you must upgrade to a premium local business brand account to continue using you’re advertisement options.
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You are entitled to 2 call-to-action buttons.
A Contact button or an Order button to promote your brand or sell items, you decide, as you will assign one of the 2 button options to your advertisement.
Hyper Targeting:
Note: It is also important to select keywords related to your specific Business Brand for targeting your specific audience, you may do this in your profile edit when editing your profile keywords.

Keep in mind to be very precise when editing your profile page. For example, whether you choose Art or Politics .. users will enter into the search bar keywords related to your channel that you have already decided to select when editing your profile page.
Grow your brand, add subscribers, sell your products, and deliver your services.
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As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!