
Premium Unlimited Plan!

On Hey! WhatUp’ Find a person to accompany you to any activity or interest just by entering a search from your city, region or travel destination as you would an online google search.

With a Premium Unlimited plan, you are entitled to friends and relationships both locally and around the world all in one plan.

You can create your own forum while adding subscribe buttons to all of your video uploads to your youtube or any of your websites. If you decide to assign this feature and use this Subscribe URL feature when editing your profile.

Things you can also do with your Premium Unlimited Plan membership?

Send messages

• Send Heywhatup members invites directly from their profile dashboards

Video chat

Answer and reply to questions on your personal timeline

Upload photos

Upload interest and hobbies activity videos on the WhatsUp TV Channel.

Create your own Video Channel

Create a forum and add your own commentary

Receive likes comments and subscribers to your groups.


If you decide to choose the Subscribe to my Channel Url Button.

With every video upload, your videos will upload with a subscribe button.

Once the member clicks the subscribe button he/she is transferred to your Youtube, TikTok .. channel where members may subscribe to your channel.

Assigned Urls that have elicited material will ban you from the site permanently.

With your Hey! WhatUp Subscribe Button, the tab will allow you to receive more subscribers on Youtube plus more comments and likes if you decide to use this feature.

Whatever your topic, all users will have the ability to locate your video channel directly from their profile page in several ways.

One way is by their profile search bar, the other is through their desktop browser

Members may also locate you by the Hey, WhatsUp TV search bar.

Add Videos On The Control Panel

The Hey, WhatsUp TV Add Video button is located on the control panel at the top of the pages or the menu button ☰ on your mobile. The Add Video button will direct you to where you will then add your youtube (<>) videos.

back to profile:

Important Information On How You May Use Your Search Bar

 Keep in mind to be very precise when editing your profile page. For example, whether you choose Art or Politics .. users will enter into the search bar keywords related to your channel. Words that you have already decided to select when editing your profile page, so the keywords and tags you are selecting when editing your profile are important for your channel.

In all, the search bar will direct Hey, WhatsUp members to your page where they may then add you as a friend, comment and follow.

Membership Fee: 24.99$ USD


Helpful Information on how to use your search bar:

How to enter a search into the search bar?

Enter a search from your profile page to locate a member to accompany you in any activity or interest just as you would a google search and on Hey! WhatUp’ just by entering one simple keyword, in so, you may also search members by city or location just as you would on Facebook!

Whoever arrives in your search results you both already share the same mutual interest according to the profile questions you have selected when editing your profile.

Be specific when editing your profile, the more information you enter the greater your options will be, so get creative.

Once your mutual interest is found send a friend request, once your request is accepted let the other person know your plans about an event, activity, or interest, or leave a comment on a previous post they have already published. A comment referring to your mutual interest is always a winner.


A considerable way to catch someone’s attention is to upload a YouTube video of a subject related to your search interests.
To do so upload a Video from your laptop. Go to the (Add A Video) button located on the top far left of your profile page on the Control Panel.

Remember that photos of you participating in your interest are a huge plus to consider. Explicit videos and images will officially ban you from the site permanently. Fun and humorous videos are always welcoming.

This is the ultimate Friend Finder social media platform for finding activity partners, friends, relationships, business networks, business partners, and a friend for every occasion that shares the same mutual interest that you do.

Please keep this in mind when posting on your profile. Remember to press the like button to let others know what you both share in common, and keep a fun and exciting profile wall.

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